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“Erotic Intelligence is about creating distance, then bringing that space to life”

Esther Perel


Let’s upgrade your Sex Life!

Using tools tailored to your needs such as sexual roadmapping, mindfulness exercises, surveys, readings, writing prompts, self-assessments, and more, we can reframe and balance your mental and emotional experience of sexuality.

Sarah D’Andrea, M.Ed. Human Sexuality

Sarah D’Andrea, M.Ed. Human Sexuality


No one has a clear and direct path when it comes to learning about sex. Even with all of the information in the world at our fingertips, so many of us still struggle to experience sexual confidence, adventure and pleasure. When we work one-on-one, I’ll give you the resources and a curated curriculum to identify and eliminate your sexual roadblocks.


As parents, you want to raise your kids to become healthy and safe sexually active adults. But it can be difficult to navigate conversations about sexuality when you didn’t have a good example growing up yourself. My curriculums for parents map out your child’s sexual development and appropriate sex education from toddlers to adolescence.

Workshops & Speaking

Invite me to your school, workplace, bookclub, or community group. We can work together to create a workshop or series that is interactive and informative. Your participants will walk away with resources and actionable steps to continue their education in sexuality. These group events are always fun and memorable!


What to Expect

After a short phone consultation, we’ll schedule your first 50-minute session. I am able to meet in person or over video conferencing, whatever is most comfortable for you. At the end of every session, I’ll offer you assignments that you can work on until the next session.

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Most of us learned about sex indirectly and sometimes we were misinformed. What’s important to remember is that no matter where you started on your journey, you can always rewrite your sexual script. Take this free assessment to check-in with your sex ed story.