5 Reasons to Work with a Sex Coach
There are many reasons why someone would work with a sex coach. Sometimes there is a specific question or concern that a client wants to get to the bottom of. Other times, a client wants to work on their relationship with sexuality in general but needs a little guidance. Below are a few reasons why you might want to work with a sex coach.
Your relationship is really good but your sex life feels flat
You love your partner. They’re your best friend, you’re super compatible, and you want to be together forever. So why does sex feel kind of...meh? It’s okay most of the time but it’s happening less and less.You are wondering if the thrill from the early years is gone forever. Sex might get a bit more exciting on vacation but you can’t take a flight every time you want to have sex. You know it could be worse but you also wonder if maybe it could be a little better.
You’re looking for more meaning
There was a time when rolling up to brunch with a hangover and a wild story about the hookup from the night before was enough. You’ve experimented with sex but after a while, you realized that you were following a cultural script on sexuality that doesn’t fit any more. The act of sex isn’t that mysterious - it’s really just putting two bodies together - but there has to be more than that. You’re ready to experience another level of sexuality but not sure how to get there.
You’re ready to own your shit
You’re woke. You’ve read books on sexuality or attended self help seminars or found activism. You’ve changed perspectives on sexuality (common epiphanies: virginity isn’t real, recognizing internalized homophobia, becoming body positive). And yet...knowing everything that you know isn’t enough to quite change you. All the information in the world is getting you to the starting line but you need accountability and daily practice to make it stick and create lasting change.
There is no one else to talk to
You have thoughts about sex. You’ve realized that how you learned about sex is not the way you want to move forward. You have some questions that aren’t google-able. Maybe sexuality is not a burning topic in the front of your mind but you’re curious and want to talk it out. The only problem? There is no one who you feel comfortable talking to in an honest and judgment free way. Introducing the topic of sexuality with your friends and family would be a bit like the blind leading the blind and you’re looking for more stability and depth.
You’re changing in other areas of your life
You’re going through some life changes and this momentum is getting you to look into the nooks and crannies that haven’t gotten enough attention. A new career, finding a passion project, deepening a yoga or meditation practice, healing a family history narrative, or moving to a new town are all shifts that can set off a deeper dive into your sexual script. You’re changing and growing and you’re wondering how to apply those lessons to sexuality and pleasure.
Want to work together? Set up your free intro call by emailing me at hello@sarahthesexconsultant.com