Anti-Racism Work in Coaching

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.” - Chinese Proverb

This post is long overdue. I have been growing my sex coaching business for over a year and this is the first time I’m considering how anti-racism work is part of my company’s culture and values. There is NO excuse for why it has taken me this long to address how white supremacy impacts me, my clients, and all coaches. I am truly sorry - especially to my clients and anyone who has found value in my work - that I have short-changed your understanding of sexuality by leaving out the impact of racial identity and specifically, racism, in sexuality. If I can’t go back in time and start again, I’m so grateful that I’m able to start now.

It goes without saying that I am not an authority on racism. I’m not an expert in dismantling white supremacy, I’m a student. I hope my platform is seen as a tool for accountability, not performance activism, as well as a resource for other white people to learn from my efforts and mistakes.

Anti-racism work is NOT a self improvement space for white people. If protecting bodies & empowering black lives aren’t at the center of your work then you’re not here for black people. You’re simply going through the motions to make your white self feel better.” - Rachel Cargle

My work to understand racism and dismantle white supremacy has gotten lazy and I want to highlight here how I will be more intentional. The following are steps on how I will continue to educate myself, take action, and hold myself accountable in anti-racism work. This list is just the beginning and I expect it to grow and change as I learn more and do better.

Personal & Professional Development

  • Expand my “continuing education” budget to include anti-racism education and work. Readings, workshops, and conferences dedicated to Black liberation. 

  • Prioritize women of color when hiring contract work (photography, web design, taxes etc.).


  • I will include more work for my clients to understand systematic oppression, where they fall within the system, and how the experience impacts their worldview.

  • I will always hold space intentionally (not just in my own private thoughts) for how race is impacting the experience and issues that my BIPOC clients come to me with.

  • As a way to check my blind spots, I will be prepared to provide my BIPOC clients trusted resources that specifically serve people with their identity.


  • My instagram account will have a permanent highlighted story to #AmplifyMelinatedVoices. I will prioritize Black women in sexuality, activism, and mental healthcare.

  • My instagram will also include documenting my anti-racism work, inspired from Rachel Cargle’s course #DoTheWork, as a highlighted story. This is intended to be for white people to learn from my attempts and failures so they can do better.

This is certainly not an exhaustive list of what I can do, it’s only scratching the surface. As I learn more, I can do more and vice versa. My hope is to practice anti-racism in a way that is impactful as well as sustainable for a long time.

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sarah d'andrea